Wyszukiwanie frazy "gotard"
2025-02-16 10:43:25
"Change Paradigme" is a joint project of Balladyna De Tempete and Gotard.
The EP contains five versions of the song with vocals by Balladyna and J.K.Gotard.
More on project (Click!)
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2025-02-16 10:41:54
(Pl) Więcej o projekcie "Godeonia" z fragmentami próbnych utworów w tle.
(Eng) More about the "Godeonia" project with fragments of rehearsal tracks in the background.
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2025-02-16 10:31:47
Dziś premiera nowego teledysku „Destination 2.0”.
W klipie wykorzystano filmy z własnych podróży w bardzo dużym przyspieszeniu (timelapse/hyperlapse). Tory kolejowe symbolicz...
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2024-08-04 13:54:45
(Eng) Hello! Today is the premiere of the new clip of the Gotard project. This is a story created with the help of AI. The short story is about the search for true knowledge, which is only visible whe...
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2024-07-10 21:31:17
(PL) "Alsahwa" to po arabsku "Przebudzenie".
Nowy klip do utworu "Alsahwa" z ostatniej płyty projektu GOTARD "Dharma" jest krótką opowieścią o poszukiwaniu wyższej prawdy, celu egzystencji i...
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2024-05-26 21:42:53
(Eng) We always hope that all the evil we do to ourselves and the world will one day become just a memory. We want a new era of peace, love and respect.
To achieve this goal, each of us must find t...
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2024-05-17 23:36:51
(Eng) "Gelung" Masa" is the title of the new clip from the album "Dharma". The Gotard project invites you to a journey.
(Pl) „Gelung” Masa” to tytuł nowego klipu z albumu &b...
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2024-04-26 12:47:00
Podobne do siebie opowieść o końcu świata (potopie) pojawiają się niemal we wszystkich starszych kulturach ,hinduskich Wedach, sumeryjskich tekstach czy nieco młodszej Biblii i praktycznie wszędzie ,z...
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2024-04-11 20:55:12
New clip of the Gotard group for the song "Amazonia" available today!We invite you on an expedition through the extraordinary Amazon.This is the third song from the latest album "Dharma". Grea...
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2024-04-01 17:02:02
"Amazonia" is a song from the album "Dharma" inspired by the richest ancient forest on our planet.
Most species of plants and animals live thereincluding those not discovered by us.Wonderful people a...
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